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Product Innovation Sprint

This structured approach by Qvik helps companies quickly validate their ideas in a low-risk environment, enabling them to achieve either a minimally lovable product (MLP) or gather the insights needed to refine their approach.

Innovate, Nordic Style.

Qvik’s Approach to Product Innovation Sprints are agile and collaborative: The sprint emphasises agile iterative testing and collaboration between Qvik and the client team.

The sprint is structured to progress logically from understanding the user problem to refining a testable prototype, ensuring each phase builds on the insights from the last.

Our Approach to Innovation

1. Explore

Objectives: This process, generally run as a collaborative workshop, will refine the project’s value proposition, define the vision, and understand the customer journey.

Activities: This highly collaborative stage includes reviewing existing data & conducting customer interviews and surveys to gather insights on user needs and expectations.

2. Sketch

Objectives: Start sketching possible solutions and ideate broadly.

Activities: Gather input from client experts and Qvik’s team to sketch designs, exploring different ways the service might look and function.

3. Focus

Objectives: Refine and prioritize ideas, deciding on the best approach for the prototype.

Activities: Engage in idea refinement, vote on the strongest concepts, and make final decisions on the prototype’s direction.

4. Prototype

Objectives: Develop a functional, interactive prototype.

Activities: Qvik designers build the prototype, iteratively developing the look, feel, and core interactions based on prior sketches and feedback.

5. Test

Objectives: Validate the prototype with real end-users and gather actionable feedback.

Activities: Conduct user testing sessions with the target audience to understand usability, collect feedback, and evaluate if the prototype meets user needs. The sprint concludes with a wrap-up, where feedback and lessons learned are summarised.

Timeline and Resources

Qvik suggests starting the sprint mid-week and wrapping up the following mid-week to allow for preparation and feedback analysis.

Two Qvik designers and project lead will manage the sprint end-to-end, collaborating closely with your team.

The design sprint costs £12,500 for 1.5 weeks of engagement for the above resources.

If the project has a heavy technical element, requirement and or dependency, we may propose an additional systems architect at an additional agreed fee.

What you will walk away with

  • Experience and knowledge in conducting an agile collaborative innovation process.
  • A summary of the idea backed up with research and insights.
  • A proposed commercial model/ROI.
  • A visual prototype.
  • Proposed next steps if applicable.

This will provide a validated solution ready for further development and or technical feasibility, wider business buy-in or review with significant learning outcomes to inform future iterations.


"Based on my experiences I can say that our collaboration with Qvik has been accessible, open, transparent, smart, adaptive and to the point."

Daniel Wentz


Head of Group Digital Product

"The Qvikies fit in so well, I can hardly tell them apart from our in-house team any more. They are so deeply involved with our work that I don’t even think about them as consultants any more. Our cooperation has been fantastic all round."

Janne Kallio


Head of Partner Product Management

“We know the banking business, but Qvik’s fresh perspective and knowledge of other industries was valuable. It takes class and skill to create a smooth user experience that combines the financial sector’s regulatory requirements with a clear and simple customer experience. This was precisely what we were able to achieve together with Qvik.”

Mika Käyhkö

Savings Bank Group

Head of Digital Security

Chris Griggs

Chris Griggs, UK Business Lead

Find out more about how we can help by booking an informal meeting with us.